4 Myths That are Keeping You Fat! – Monthly Fitness Contributor, Fawn Gill

Are you working your butt off but still fat? I hear so many people complain about doing all the right things but not losing weight. This all leads to feeling frustrated, being overwhelmed and eventually the ‘forget this’ attitude that then leads to eating the whole bag of chips.  Sound familiar?

If so, then maybe you’re buying into these four myths.

Myth #1:  If I eat fat, I’ll get fat.

Truth:  Incorporating healthy fats into your diet will actually help you lose fat. Eating fat from sources like avocados, olives and coconuts can actually help you increase your metabolism, keep you full longer and each your body how to burn fat when you remove sugar from your diet. Choose fats like nuts, seeds, fatty fish, eggs, full fat yogurt and grass-fed beef. Remember, that non-fat foods actually have crazy high level of sugars and it’s sugar that makes you fat.

Myth #2: I need to do tons of cardio to burn fat.

Truth: While cardio burns calories, if you want to burn fat, choose HIIT (high-intensity interval training).  Incorporating HIIT into your workouts will make your body and metabolism function at a higher rate of burned calories for hours and hours afterward. So yes, you could be reading AND burning fat at the same time! Lifting weights will also help you increase your resting metabolism. When you have more lean muscle on your body, your metabolism increases. This basically means you could be burning fat while sitting and watching Netflix.

Myth #3: I need to significantly reduce my calorie intake.

Truth: This is actually partially true. The reality is, we eat too much. Take a look at how much you actually consume in a day. We often underestimate how much we eat and overestimate how much we burn.  And ultimately to lose fat, you do need to be in a calorie deficit. The calories you take in need to be nutrient dense meaning that they are full of the good stuff the body needs. Not empty calories from things like non-fat foods, processed foods, sugar, and pop.

Ultimately, what you eat is truly the most important factor when losing fat. Be sure to eat a diet high in lean proteins (whatever your source), vegetables, healthy fats, and carbs from plant sources. Don’t forget to move your body daily, get plenty of uninterrupted sleep, reduce your stress levels and you will find the weight will drop off.

Myth #4: It’s too late to start.

Truth: SO NOT TRUE! It’s never too late to start an exercise program or healthy eating! We CAN reverse the damage done AND move forward feeling better than we ever have! The trick is to get help! You can’t do it alone. Grab a friend and just start walking every day. Hire a trainer. Workout with a YouTube workout. Or join a program that will help you get there.

No matter what you choose, you can start today! Right now!!! 

If you have not taken the time to invest in yourself yet, today is the day.

Fawn Gill is the Group Fitness Manager of Steve Nash Fitness Clubs for the North Shore. She is a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness instructor, Pilates Instructor, Barre instructor & Accountability Coach. Fawn has over 25 years experience teaching others the benefits of living healthy and has helped thousands of people lose weight & get fit. Check her out at www.fawngillfitness.com

Carson Graham Grad Reunion – Doing Now What I Wanted to Back Then …

Carson Grad Reunion

Last night I attended my high school reunion at Seymour’s Pub in North Vancouver, BC. And I feel like I have been given a 2nd chance to do EVERYTHING I wanted to back when I was in my final year at Carson:

  1. I was the organizer of our reunion and I had really wanted to be on our Grad Committee back in high school.
  2. I am attending Capilano University and I had wanted to when the Cap U reps came to Carson to talk to the soon to be grads.
  3. I am on the Board of Directors for Capilano Students’ Union and I had wanted to be on Students’ Council at Carson.
  4. I am a Contributor on Capilano Courier’s monthly magazine and I had wanted to be part of the year book committee.
  5. I am part of the Capilano Radio Club and I had wanted to get involved in clubs.
  6. I am the Social Media & Events Consultant for Cap U’s YWIB (Young Women In Business) and I had wanted to be a group leader.
  7. Last night I spoke to everyone that came out to Our Reunion even though I didn’t recognize some of them initially. I am now the social butterfly with the gift of gab and schmoozing that I always wanted to be.

I am so happy that I organized last night’s event because it made EVERYONE THAT CAME HAPPY TOO! There was a comfort seeing my former classmates because we are all the same age (all of us holding our cell phones & yearbook that Candi brought at a distance for us to SEE! Hahaha… ), no one-up man-ship, and a unity that I think we ALL FELT.

Start With A Dream

I am optimistic, spiritual, and AMBITIOUS AS F@%*! Great combination, right?! Hahaha …

My life is charmed. Everyday I am happy just to wake up. Grateful for everything that God/Universe brings to me. My life journey has not always been so blissful. I have faced many challenges and hurdles. Depression, thoughts of suicide, anxiety, insomnia …

But I conquered all of those conditions AND FAR WORSE … How did I do it?! Perseverance, a lot of pain, and tears. The key is to keep busy, doing something you love, enjoy, and get involved in something, someone, a cause you believe in …

When you have these negative thoughts it’s important to remember you ARE NOT ALONE! And DO NOT ISOLATE, HIBERNATE, AVOID PEOPLE… I know that when depression has you in it’s clutches ALL YOU WANT IS TO BE ALONE. BUT trust me when I say that is the worst thing you can do! You will go deeper into the hole and it will get harder and harder to climb your way out when you isolate.

In 1999 my dream was to be a Famous Fashion Designer. I grew up watching Jeanne Becker’s “Fashion Television” & “Fashion File” … I have a different dream$ now … AND some of them I am making come true everyday through writing & editing my blogs, posting short stories/snippets on Instagram, taking photos, and through Creating Content & Digitally Marketing,