Babes Promoting Babes – Fawn Gill Fitness

I am pleased to announce that Fashion INVESTIGATOR INC’s very own Fitness Contributor, Fawn of Fawn Gill Fitness is our Babe in the Spotlight. I had the opportunity to interview her this week for our Babes Promoting Babes Interview Series.

MY MISSION:  To motivate and inspire Boss Babes in the making. To uplift, encourage, and promote male & female entrepreneurs and to share our aspirations, goals and dreams.

To provide and build a warm, loving, and supportive community of CREATORS. Creators of art, a business, or a NEW YOU … 

M: What’s your story?  Where were you born, where were you raised?  What was your childhood, growing up years like?

F: Well, I am a BC (British Columbia) girl, born and raised but I did move around a lot when I was young. I was born in Surrey, BC and lived there, as well as in, Richmond, Clearbrook, Williams Lake, Kamloops, The Okanagan, Vancouver and then Bowen Island for 18 years. I currently reside in North Vancouver and have for the last 2 years.

My childhood was a tumultuous one. I’m the youngest of 3 girls born to my biological parents. But they got divorced when I was about 3 or 4 and my two older sisters moved to Prince George to live with my biological dad and I lived with my mom and stepdad in the Lower Mainland. I never saw my sisters again until I was 16 and never met my biological dad till I was 36.

My stepdad was an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer, which is why we moved around a lot. And there was a lot of stress in my household. I have a younger brother as well.

So, although there were some great times growing up, there were a lot of not great times and I received the brunt of everyone’s issues and stress.

M: What did you want to do when you grew up?  

F: Oh, I wanted to be a model, a singer or an actor. LOL

M: Did you go to college or university?  If so, what did you study?

F: I went to Blanche MacDonald right after high school to become a make-up artist and esthetician. That never panned out.

And then I worked for many years in offices until finding my true calling …. Recreation. So I went to Langara College for Recreation Management for 2 years and received my diploma in 1997.

I’ve also done a bunch of University courses throughout the years, I just never got a degree.

M: When did you move to Vancouver?  Why did you move to Vancouver?

F: I moved to Vancouver literally the day after I finished my final grade 12 exam, 1988. LOL Why? Well, if you read about my childhood …. I wanted out of that house ASAP.

 M: When did you start your business?  What was your inspiration?

F: I started Fawn Gill Fitness on Bowen Island in 2000. My inspiration was my first child, actually. We had just bought a house there and set up our basement as a personal training studio. Then my first baby came along and I thought, wouldn’t it be great to teach a mommy & me class and meet other moms?!

So that’s pretty much how it started. My business grew rapidly from there as I was also teaching fitness classes very part time. And then I opened up my own gym in 2007 and ran that for 9 years until I sold it. 

M: What do you love the most about being a Boss Babe?

F: Freedom! And creativity! I love being able to set my schedule and I really, really love the creative side of it. Being able to design and implement programs is so much fun for me.

M: What would your advice be for Boss Babes in the making?  If they are contemplating leaving a secure 9-5 job with benefits – what would you say to them? Should they take the leap?

F: My advice to (future) Boss Babes is to start smart. Keep that 9-5 job until your side hustle is capable of being a full-time hustle. And if you do decide to jump in full-time, make sure you have at least 6 months of savings put aside first.

And then network, network, NETWORK! A lot of success is a result of who you know. I’ve seen so many people become very successful simply because of the company they keep. They weren’t the best at what they do, but they certainly knew the right people.

M: Any last words? What’s our favourite positive/motivational quote or book.

F: Oh I have so many favourite quotes. Currently it’s ‘May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.’ Nelson Mandela

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