MY MISSION: To motivate and inspire Boss Babes in the making. To uplift, encourage, and promote male & female entrepreneurs and to share aspirations, goals and dreams with them and you, my subscribers.
To provide and build a warm, loving, and supportive community of CREATORS. Creators of art, a business, or a NEW YOU …
I first met Francisco Sonora, Owner of Tequila Cocina Restaurant at the Lonsdale Ave Magazine launch party as I did our first Male Boss Babe, Eamonn Duignan, when we were introduced by the magazine founder.
Francisco is affable, friendly and very easy to talk to. He is in the perfect industry …
M; What’s your story? Where were you born, where were you raised? What was your childhood, growing up years like?
F: I was born and raised in Mexico City and have an older brother. I grew up in an ordinary family, playing soccer in the streets and drinking water from the hose in the summer. Nintendo was also something I enjoyed playing back then.
I helped our family in a small restaurant, doing everything from washing dishes to cooking, and serving customers.
My mom who raised my brother and myself with a strong work ethic and morals, set a good example for us.

M: What did you want to do when you grew up?
F: Having my own restaurant was always one of my dreams because cooking is one of my biggest passions.
Also, I wanted to have my own family and I feel blessed now to have baby Ana, she’s my sunshine!!
M: Did you go to college or university? If so, what did you study?
F: No I didn’t.
M: When did you move to Vancouver? Why did you move to Vancouver?
F: I moved to Vancouver when I was about 20 years old and worked in construction for years (which I still do).
First, I visited on vacation and loved it and all the opportunities that are here. I’m lucky to get to live in this city.

M: When did you start your business? What was your inspiration?
F: We first opened on May 31st, 2019 but it took us about one year to build and renovate the place.
We are going to have our first anniversary in a couple weeks. It falls on a Sunday and we will be preparing a lot of specials for our customers.
M: What do you love the most about being a Boss Babe?
F: Well, I’m just the face of the restaurant but there’s a team of many people involved who I appreciate and have to thank.
We have become a family at Tequila Cocina — from my business partner, Mami Matsumura, to kitchen and front staff and of course, my wife and baby who are my motivation to keep me going everyday.
M: What would your advice be for Boss Babes in the making? If they are contemplating leaving a secure 9-5 job with benefits – what would you say to them? Should they take the leap?
F: I’d say just go for it, everything is going to make sense down the road.
Vancouver is an open ocean full of fish and we are the fisherman. Martin Luther king once said, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
M: Any last words? What’s our favourite positive/motivational quote or book?
F: There’s a quote that I like and it goes something like,
“The key to success is start before you are ready. Don’t look for happiness, create it …”
You can follow Tequila Cocina on their Instagram: and have a look at their menu — their first anniversary is just around the corner: