Babes Promoting Babes Interview Series – Gordon Tang of GT & Co

My haircut from Gordon at GT & Co

MY MISSION:  To motivate and inspire Boss Babes in the making. To uplift, encourage, and promote male & female entrepreneurs and to share aspirations, goals and dreams with them, and you, my subscribers.

To provide and build a warm, loving, and supportive community of CREATORS. Creators of art, a business, or a NEW YOU … 

I met Gordon Tang when I was 14 years old before he started his salon, GT & Co Hair Studio on East 2nd in North Vancouver. My Mom had her hair done by him and recommended him to me. She said he was, “sugoku jouzu (which means really good or skillful in Japanese)”.

And I have been going to see Gordon since then for over 20 years. Mom was right — Gordon is great! If you ask him to only cut 1/2 an inch off that’s all he will cut. And so talented in the way he cuts and styles hair.

Once I find a person, company or product that I like, admire and enjoy — I stay loyal. I am that “sought after customer” that businesses dream about. Not only do I stay loyal to the company but I also spread the word. I created a hashtag on Instagram #fortheloveoflocal with a heart emoji and without for this exact purpose. I spread the word about a Local Business through my love for them.

So without further ado — It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Gordon, Owner of GT & Co and my stylist since I was in high school.

M: What’s your story?  Where were you born, where were you raised?  What was your childhood, growing up years like? 

G: I was born and raised in the Hong Kong countryside. My childhood consisted of lots of farming and lots of pets.

M: What did you want to do when you grew up? 

G: I wanted to be a professional soccer player.

M: Did you go to college or university?  If so, what did you study?

G: I studied business at Langara College and then I studied hair design at Vidal Sassoon in London, England.

M: When did you move to Vancouver?  Why did you move to Vancouver?

G: I moved to Vancouver with my family in 1979 for a better education and more opportunities.

M: When did you start your business?  What was your inspiration?

G: I started my business in 1986. I cut my friends’ hair in high school and it was then that I found my passion — I love to talk to people while hairdressing.

M: What do you love the most about being a Boss Babe?

G: The ability to control my own finances, hours and being able to learn from my customers; and to have the ability to implement their good ideas.

M: What would your advice be for Boss Babes in the making?  If they are contemplating leaving a secure 9-5 job with benefits – what would you say to them? Should they take the leap?

G: If you believe in yourself and your dreams and are willing to work hard, you will find success

M: Any last words? What’s our favourite positive/motivational quote or book?

G: My favourite quote is, “nothing ventured, nothing gained“.

Gordon is old school and does not have any social media platforms or website for his salon. If you would like to make an appointment with him, please tell him that Mayumi sent you!

GT & Co Hair Studio is located at: 130 2nd St E, North Vancouver, BC and their phone number is: 604.988.9813. The salon hours are: Tuesday through Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Babes Promoting Babes Interview Series – Arneet of Henna by Arneet

Henna by Arneet

I had the pleasure of meeting beautiful and talented Henna Artist, Arneet Dua at a North Vancouver coffee shop opening party via Instagram. I was following the coffee shop on the social media platform and tickets were free on Event Brite.

But the biggest draw for me was having my hands decorated with henna. I always wanted to have it done and I was excited that I was getting my chance. Arneet was one of the Henna Artists there and she did my hands and my Mom’s.

She was so fast! And she did a beautiful job on both of our hands. Also, what stood out for me was Arneet’s charming personality –So grounded, sincere and personable. We exchanged business cards, Instagram handles and kept in touch. Fast forward 2 years and here I am interviewing her!

MY MISSION:  To motivate and inspire Boss Babes in the making. To uplift, encourage, and promote male & female entrepreneurs and to share aspirations, goals and dreams with them and you, my subscribers.

To build and provide a warm, loving, and supportive community of CREATORS. Creators of art, a business, or a NEW YOU …

M: What’s your story?  Where were you born, where were you raised?  What was your childhood, growing up years like?

A: I was born and raised in Punjab, India in a relatively open-minded family. Growing up, I was very creative and always into Arts & Crafts. My mother supported me to pursue my passion for Art and would sign me up for any Creative Art classes she could find.

I was raised in a huge family with 9 family members living under the same roof. My family was very supportive and encouraged me to be where I am today.

M: Did you go to college or university?  If so, what did you study?

A: Yes, I actually have studied in various fields, I did my high school with a Commerce/Accounting specialization, then for Undergrad I studied Psychology as my major along with Home Economics to stay connected to my creative side. I did my Masters in English Literature followed by a Post Graduate Degree in Child Guidance/Family Counselling in India.

M: Did you move to Vancouver or did you grow up here?  Why did you move to Vancouver?

A: I moved to Vancouver in December 2014 as an international student to pursue my Post Graduate Degree.

M: When did you start your business?  What was your inspiration?

A: I always wanted to be my own boss, my husband encouraged me in 2016 to take my Henna Art to next level and start doing it professionally. I have been doing henna since I was 11 years old as a hobby.

In 2016 I shared with my husband that I wanted to start my own business but wasn’t sure what to do and how to begin. He suggested that since I love Art, this might be good opportunity to do it professionally.

We did some research in the current Lower Mainland market and saw there was huge potential in the wedding industry to make this business successful. 

Bridal Henna
A close up of the Bridal Henna showcasing Arneet’s Artistry.

M: What do you love the most about being a Boss Babe?

A: I think the best part is to be able to share my Art with other Boss Babes and inspire my fellow men & women to believe in themselves, take a leap and follow their dreams.

M: What would your advice be for Boss Babes in the making?  If they are contemplating leaving a secure 9-5 job with benefits – what would you say to them? Should they take the leap?

A: I think it’s great timing for me to answer this question. I just left my 9-5 job last Fall, I am now getting my Real Estate License and taking my Henna Arts business to the next level — full time.

It was a huge step and life changing decision. I feel I can offer so much more to my clients, give them the best customer service possible and follow my dream. It was bit scary, but totally worth it. I am happy be my own Boss now.

M: Any last words? What’s our favourite positive/motivational quote or book.

A: I recently came to the realization that life is too short to have any regrets, so now I try to follow my heart and try to fulfill all my realistic dreams (big or small) as much as I can. Life balance is the key.

We can do it, Boss Babes!

To see more of Arneet Dua’s Henna Artisty you can follow her Instagram and Facebook pages. And be sure to subscribe to Fashion INVESTIGATOR INC to read more from Arneet … She is our NEW Arts & Culture Contributor!

The Challenges of Being a Makeup Artist During the Peak of COVID – Beauty Expert Insha Pathan

Fashion INVESTIGATOR INC's Beauty Expert Insha Pathan

INTRODUCING … Insha Pathan!

I am very excited and honoured to announce Fashion INVESTIGATOR INC’s new Beauty Contributor and resident Beauty Expert, Insha Pathan. Most of you, will remember that I interviewed this Boss Babe back on May 16th in my Babes Promoting Babes Interview Series. If you missed it, and want to gain more insight into Insha and how she became a make-up artist, have a look after reading her blog …

If you had told me in early March that I wouldn’t work for three months, I would have given you a look of incredulity. Sitting here in the middle of June, I will say that COVID has affected me in more ways than I ever thought possible.

Three months ago, I had jobs lined up doing make-up in the Film Industry and was excited as usual. Being able to work in my aspired profession makes me look forward to going to work every day. When I found out that there was no date set to return to work and filming was postponed indefinitely, I felt lost.

Initially, I enjoyed my time and the break from work, I saw it as an opportunity to better myself and get my life organized. I became healthier, decluttered, organized anything & everything and worked on improving and focusing on myself. Eventually, however, not being able to work started to weigh on me.

Being a makeup artist in the Film and Fashion Industries is a dream come true. I didn’t think I would ever be doing what I am! I have always been an artist and now the only difference is that models and actors are my canvas.

A sample of Insha’s makeup artistry.

I am always full of adrenaline and so excited to be on set. Racing against the clock to get the job done, meeting deadlines and overcoming challenges left, right, and centre, while still being able to be artistic was perfect for me. Not being able to work was making me miss it more and more, and a sense of dread began lurking because there was no definite date for when filming was going to begin again.

It felt like I was sitting in a waiting room, patiently hoping that at any moment, my number will be called, but with no end time in sight. I had two options, one was wallowing in self pity and the other was taking that energy and channeling it towards my creative talents.

I was an artist before I became a Makeup Artist. My inclination towards anything creative is what drew me to my field in the first place. So during this time of not working, I started to draw, paint and beginning Do It Yourself projects and practiced my craft and explored all types of makeup.

Insha’s sketches rendered during time off from the Film & Fashion Industries.

I decided that I would use this time during COVID and social-distancing to express my creativity and open myself to inspiration, so that when the time came, I would go back to work with a fresh mind set. I concentrated on what makes me happy — ART!

COVID has been hard on many of us and the most uncertain of times. When have we ever gone through a pandemic?!

Finding a balance and keeping a positive outlook helped to keep me sane and I did this by doing the things that I love. I let myself be creative and channeled my energy into art.

To everyone out there reading this, not being able to do their dream job, be patient and don’t give up. Things will go back to normal eventually and till then, find other ways to use your energy that support your peace of mind and your talents.

If you would like to learn more about Insha Pathan, follow her on her Instagram profile: and her website: Remember to subscribe to Fashion INVESTIGATOR INC, if you would like to see Insha’s future Beauty Contributions as our resident Beauty Expert!

Babes Promoting Babes – Insha of Insha Artistry

Insha of Insha Artistry

MY MISSION:  To motivate and inspire Boss Babes in the making. To uplift, encourage, and promote male & female entrepreneurs and to share aspirations, goals and dreams with them, and you, my subscribers.

To provide and build a warm, loving, and supportive community of CREATORS. Creators of art, a business, or a NEW YOU … 

I originally met Insha Pathan at the bank she used to work at and although all the customer service representatives were great, she was my favourite!

Before the bank closed down, we exchanged numbers and we kept in touch. 4 years later, here we are!

M:  What’s your story?  Where were you born, where were you raised?  What was your childhood, growing up years like?

I:  I was born in Mumbai, India and where I spent my early childhood. It was so amazing growing up in Mumbai and my time there has definitely influenced who I am today. 

Growing up, I would say my childhood was wonderful, filled with so much love and laughter with family and friends.

As a teenager, I was blessed with an awesome group of friends and we always found an excuse to make the most of every day. Whether it was playing outside, going to movies or exploring new areas in Vancouver.

M:  What did you want to do when you grew up?  

 I:  I was always very artistic and studious but if you asked me what I wanted to be, I wouldn’t be able to give you a clear answer.

The truth was, I didn’t know myself what I wanted to be, because I had so many interests. My main focus was trying to figure that out while I was growing up.

But sometimes things happen in their own time and you find your path without looking for it.

M:  Did you go to college or university?  If so, what did you study?

I:  I went to Simon Fraser University and got a Bachelor’s in Communication with a Minor in Publishing. Many years later, I went back to school to study Global Makeup at Blanche Macdonald.

M:  When did you move to Vancouver?  Why did you move to Vancouver?

I:  I moved to Vancouver when I was 8 in 1997. We moved here with the prospect of a better future for the family.

M:  When did you start your business?  What was your inspiration?

I:  I graduated Blanche Macdonald in 2017 and after that my journey as a Makeup Artist began.

Holi Festival Makeup
Insha was inspired by the colours of Holi & wanted to do makeup to celebrate the festival. Holi marks the beginning of Spring and signifies the victory of good over evil. It is celebrated as a day of spreading happiness & love.

At the age of sixteen I always had people tell me I should get into makeup because I was good at it, but my response at sixteen was, that is not a realistic career.

How wrong was I? I never would have guessed ten years later, I would be in school for that exact profession. After working a 9 to 5 job, I realized that I wasn’t fulfilled creatively.

I learned that I couldn’t live the rest of my life working a job that I hated. That was when I left my full time job and took the leap to follow my dream.

I knew I wanted to do something artistic,  but I wasn’t sure what that would be. Then one day I was scrolling the internet and the word Makeup Artistry stood out to me and it just clicked. I was an artist and people’s faces were just another canvas for me to explore.

It also gave me an opportunity of doing makeup for TV, Film and Fashion which have always been huge interests for me. It was in that moment that I just knew this was it.

M:  What do you love the most about being a Boss Babe?

I:  The best thing about being a Boss Babe is doing a job you love every single day of your life. I am so grateful that I was able to follow my creative passion and turn it into a profession. Work never feels like work, and every day I am excited to see what new adventure is going to come my way.

M:  What would your advice be for Boss Babes in the making?  If they are contemplating leaving a secure 9-5 job with benefits – what would you say to them? Should they take the leap?

I:  My biggest take away from this is that the leap is so important to take. You have to tune out the voices of others and really listen to what you want out of life.  Sometimes it will work and sometimes it won’t but at least you tried. This way when you look back years later,  you will not have regret over why you didn’t ever try.

If you wish you had your dream job or that you could follow your passion, nothing will happen until you take that first step and put your energy into it. So I say, take that jump and follow your heart. It is terrifying but sometimes the best things in life happen when you face your fears and follow your dreams.

M:  Any last words? What’s our favourite positive/motivational quote or book?

I:  Follow your dream and pursue what you really want. Things will always work out when the timing is right and as cliche as it sounds, everything does fall into place when it is supposed to. 

I will leave you with a quote from one of my favourite books which is all about following your dreams: 

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself, and no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

If you would like to learn more about Insha Pathan, follow her on her Instagram profile: and her website: I am excited to announce that Insha will be a regular Beauty Contributor here, at Fashion INVESTIGATOR INC — so remember to subscribe!

Mako’s Advice: 4 Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips

If you missed my last blog, Mako is my Mom. She’s Japanese and has beautiful skin. I cannot share with you how old she is … It’s an ancient Japanese secret… Hahahaha…

But what I can share with you is the Beauty advice she gave me over the years: 1) Moisturize – I like Nivea’s Essentials 24 H Moisture Boost with SPF 15, 2) Take your make-up off as soon as you get home – I use Life Brand’s 3 in 1 Cleansing Cloths, 3) Use a mask – I found a great detoxifying one by Biore – Blue Agave & Baking Soda (shown in the photo, 4) Use a toner – I like Nivea’s Gentle Toner for Dry & Sensitive Skin.

If you are not blessed with youthful Japanese genes like me & Mako, then make more of an effort with your skincare routine by applying the advice she gave me … I too would like to keep my age under wraps BUT I will share that I’m over 35.

And my Male subscribers, who are reading this -Mako’s advice applies to you too – besides the tip about taking your make-up off. There are now a lot of products available for Men. Nivea has a whole skincare line especially for you. If you don’t want to fuss and think it’s too girly for you then at the very least PLEASE MOISTURIZE EVERYDAY! Moisturizing is so important because it keeps the wrinkles away. And it’s never too early or TOO LATE to start.

Diet, what you put into your body is just as important as what you apply on your face if not more so! The Japanese diet includes a lot of fish, seafood, seaweed, vegetables, fruit, and healthy snacks like rice crackers. I will be posting more about healthy eating and also fitness. But if you would like to have a glimpse of my fitness routine at Steve Nash Lonsdale have a look at my Instagram profile @mayumiizumi OR click on the icon in Contact us: .

UPDATE: Coming very SOON – my Pilates Instructor and the Group Fitness Manager at Steve Nash Lonsdale – Fawn Gill will be a Fitness Contributor AND FEATURED right here at Fashion INVESTIGATOR INC …


You are the BEAUTY and the BEAST is that annoying “voice” that is always putting you down. Your enemy. Don’t listen to her OR him… You are AMAZING, you are BEAUTIFUL, you are WONDERFUL just as you are.

How am I so POSITIVE? I have overcome a lot, I have been through the “DARK NIGHTS OF THE SOUL”, and I SURVIVED! I hope that none of you have to experience this state in your life.

Google says, “The phrase “dark night of the soul” comes from the Spanish mystic and poet John of the Cross (1541–1597). (And) the dark night of the soul is a spiritual depression, a kind of existential crisis, that requires a deep and painful dip that must be experienced before enlightenment. The “dark night of the soul” is a concept that has been discussed for millennia, typically associated with a poem written by St. John of the Cross. “

It was the worst time of my life next to the periods of time when I was struggling with depression, anxiety, and insomnia. And I have also experienced ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I cannot explain to you here in one blog (article – my preferred term) what “dark nights of the soul” was for me and what it feels like. One word – hell.

But because of those awful experiences I have come out on the opposite end of the spectrum. Happy. Content. Fulfilled. Dharma. Dharma is a state of bliss that you will feel when you have found “your inner spiritual goddess or god”, you have found what your unique talents are that you can do better than anyone else, and use those talents for service to others. I have paraphrased Deepak Chopra’s book, “The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success”. If you have never read it before, please do. It will change your life.