Capilano Courier – My Second Article

We are only in our 5th day of the New Year but 2020 is starting out great! I went to my Yoga Fusion class yesterday at Steve Nash Lonsdale and my body is thanking & cursing me at the same time… Lol…

Thanking me because it was such a delicious feeling to stretch my under used muscles and I know how beneficial yoga is for my over all well being.

And cursing me because my body hurts, aches and feels fatigued. But it’s that “good pain”….

This morning I will be meeting with Spencer Zimmerman, Capilano University Film Club President to interview him for the university’s magazine. For those of you who are new to my site, I am a Communications major at the university and a Contributor to Capilano Courier.

I am also very active in other campus organizations such as: CSU’s (Capilano Students’ Union) Mature & Parent Student Liaison, Capilano Radio’s Social Media Director, and the Social Media Consultant for YWiB Capilano (Young Women in Business).

I am looking forward to meeting Spencer to learn more about the Film Club. They have FREE movie showings on Tuesdays. I have been wanting to go see a flick but haven’t had a chance yet.

It is now the afternoon and the interview is complete. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Spencer. It was a great interview and we covered a lot of information in about half an hour. But we hung out for another almost 30 minutes because the conversation just flowed and we connected.

There is so much I want to tell y’all (I’m Canadian but have American friends – Lol) about the club but I cannot because my article will be published in the February issue of Capilano Courier.

But if I reveal just one little tidbit … The film club will be having Sci-Fi month SOON! Stay tuned … Subscribe to my site OR follow me on my main Instagram profile: @mayumiizumi (click on link on contact us page OR follow Spencer & his crew @capufilmclub to learn MORE.