MY MISSION: To motivate and inspire Boss Babes in the making. To uplift, encourage, and promote male & female entrepreneurs and to share aspirations, goals and dreams with them, and you, my subscribers.
To provide and build a warm, loving, and supportive community of CREATORS. Creators of art, a business, or a NEW YOU …
I originally met Insha Pathan at the bank she used to work at and although all the customer service representatives were great, she was my favourite!
Before the bank closed down, we exchanged numbers and we kept in touch. 4 years later, here we are!
M: What’s your story? Where were you born, where were you raised? What was your childhood, growing up years like?
I: I was born in Mumbai, India and where I spent my early childhood. It was so amazing growing up in Mumbai and my time there has definitely influenced who I am today.
Growing up, I would say my childhood was wonderful, filled with so much love and laughter with family and friends.
As a teenager, I was blessed with an awesome group of friends and we always found an excuse to make the most of every day. Whether it was playing outside, going to movies or exploring new areas in Vancouver.
M: What did you want to do when you grew up?
I: I was always very artistic and studious but if you asked me what I wanted to be, I wouldn’t be able to give you a clear answer.
The truth was, I didn’t know myself what I wanted to be, because I had so many interests. My main focus was trying to figure that out while I was growing up.
But sometimes things happen in their own time and you find your path without looking for it.
M: Did you go to college or university? If so, what did you study?
I: I went to Simon Fraser University and got a Bachelor’s in Communication with a Minor in Publishing. Many years later, I went back to school to study Global Makeup at Blanche Macdonald.
M: When did you move to Vancouver? Why did you move to Vancouver?
I: I moved to Vancouver when I was 8 in 1997. We moved here with the prospect of a better future for the family.
M: When did you start your business? What was your inspiration?
I: I graduated Blanche Macdonald in 2017 and after that my journey as a Makeup Artist began.

At the age of sixteen I always had people tell me I should get into makeup because I was good at it, but my response at sixteen was, that is not a realistic career.
How wrong was I? I never would have guessed ten years later, I would be in school for that exact profession. After working a 9 to 5 job, I realized that I wasn’t fulfilled creatively.
I learned that I couldn’t live the rest of my life working a job that I hated. That was when I left my full time job and took the leap to follow my dream.
I knew I wanted to do something artistic, but I wasn’t sure what that would be. Then one day I was scrolling the internet and the word Makeup Artistry stood out to me and it just clicked. I was an artist and people’s faces were just another canvas for me to explore.
It also gave me an opportunity of doing makeup for TV, Film and Fashion which have always been huge interests for me. It was in that moment that I just knew this was it.
M: What do you love the most about being a Boss Babe?
I: The best thing about being a Boss Babe is doing a job you love every single day of your life. I am so grateful that I was able to follow my creative passion and turn it into a profession. Work never feels like work, and every day I am excited to see what new adventure is going to come my way.
M: What would your advice be for Boss Babes in the making? If they are contemplating leaving a secure 9-5 job with benefits – what would you say to them? Should they take the leap?
I: My biggest take away from this is that the leap is so important to take. You have to tune out the voices of others and really listen to what you want out of life. Sometimes it will work and sometimes it won’t but at least you tried. This way when you look back years later, you will not have regret over why you didn’t ever try.
If you wish you had your dream job or that you could follow your passion, nothing will happen until you take that first step and put your energy into it. So I say, take that jump and follow your heart. It is terrifying but sometimes the best things in life happen when you face your fears and follow your dreams.
M: Any last words? What’s our favourite positive/motivational quote or book?
I: Follow your dream and pursue what you really want. Things will always work out when the timing is right and as cliche as it sounds, everything does fall into place when it is supposed to.
I will leave you with a quote from one of my favourite books which is all about following your dreams:
“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself, and no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
If you would like to learn more about Insha Pathan, follow her on her Instagram profile: and her website: I am excited to announce that Insha will be a regular Beauty Contributor here, at Fashion INVESTIGATOR INC — so remember to subscribe!